‘This Is Why We Do What We Do’- IndyCC

The last day at IndyCC, New Years Eve. EPIC!
Students were challenged to think of an action that they wanted to give over to the Lord in the coming year; an area that they feel God has laid on their heart to move in. After a time of reflection, students were able to text their resolution and have it displayed on the screen. Here are just a few that I jotted down:
I resolve to:
…Get help in overcoming my addiction to pornography
…Share Christ with my fraternity brothers
…Go on a summer project
…Seek counseling
… Commit a year of my life to do short term missions
…Get out of the party scene and use my testimony to get others out
…Forgive someone who deeply hurt me
…Reach the ones I find hardest to love
…Play my sport for God and try to reach my teammates for Him
…Live so I don’t need 4 more weeks (See Everything I am post below)

Seriously, I was BLOWN away by the responsiveness of our students. The texts just kept pouring in. Students were vulnerable and real. It was so obvious that these were things God had been pointing to all throughout the conference.
As we were watching these another staff member leaned over to me and whispered, “This is why we do what we do.” I almost got tears in my eyes. He was absolutely right. What a privilege Nate & I have that we have been gifted and called to work with these amazing students!
As New Years quickly approached we continued to pray for our own hearts, our campuses, our churches, our leaders, and finally our country. Worship ensued; crazy, passionate, culminating worship. Then the countdown. Then the kiss from my husband =) It was an awesome night to end on.
Here’s one of our favorite new songs from the week. I hope that this touches and echoes the desires of your hearts as it did for many students this week. Happy New Year!